Thursday, September 29, 2005

Beauty from the Ashes

I wish I'd had my camera with me for the drive to and from work today.  This morning, the sky over the ocean was a pinkish-purple-gray, billowing from behind the hills to the south of us.  Los Angeles county is on fire!  The color was spectauclar but unsettling.  All the way to work I could see the shifting colors and feel the heat of the day starting early.

Yesterday, when the fires started, the temperature at my work was 102 degrees.  Even nestled where we are, we could see smoke drifting our way from the fires some 30 miles south-east of us.  The Santa Ana winds kicked up all day long.

It cooled through the night, but the fires raged on.  I got the fnatastic sky-view on the way to work.  By the time I arrived, the heat was blistering around the blacktop and buildings of the storage place.  I was sweating quickly between the time I left my car and got the front door open.  Heck of a time for fires.  It's already hot enough and the smokey covering keeps the heat in.  I had to step back out to get the cart and felt a bit of nausea as the wave of temperature hit me.  I was sluggish all day.  Thank God the Santa Anas didn't kick up again. 

We watched the TV news most of the day and saw the fires up close and personal.  Million dollar homes were threatened, but the firefighters worked tirelessly to save them.  So far only one home and some out-buildings have been lost in the 17,000 acre fires.  Many people have been evacuated and the freeways are jammed up.  Of course, L.A. freeways are always pretty terrible.

On the ride home from work, I listened to radio news.  I always wear my sunglasses because I drive home to the setting sun.  This evening, with the sun sinking in the sky, the colors were more orange-grey-red, with a HUGE red ball of sun partially obscured by clouds and smoke.  That's when I felt like hitting myself for not bringing my camera along today.  It was incredibly beautiful!  Even in a disaster, there is beauty around.

I am totally in awe that from the ashes comes such loveliness.  That's God for you. 


Anonymous said...

It sounds beautiful, wish I could see it! Hope they put the fires out soon. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I'm learning to take my camera along any time I leave the house.

Anonymous said...

My little camera stays in my bag - plus spare batteries. Get most of my pics on the spur of the moment. Hope it soon cools down and you stay safe. Take care my friend.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

I seem to take my camera everywhere these days.  That fire sounds ferocious... lets hope it dies down soon.

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Penny, speaking of cameras... hubby brought home a good one this week that was thrown out in the trash I guess by accident.  Yay!!  It's digital with all kinds of mega pixels.  Blessings sometimes come in odd ways but this one sure is.  It's looking to be about a $400 camera!!  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that only one house has been lost!  Glad you are safe!
~Miss O