Saturday, July 30, 2005

Another Survey

From Patrick, I got this survery - might as well speak out

"Another SurveyI found this survey over at Dave's "Random Thoughts from a Progressive Mind."  Rather than forcing my answers into the small places, I thought I'd give the extended versions:"

Abortion:  I'm absolutely against it.  I understand when the mother's life is threatened, but I can't stand the thought of the frivolous slaughter of unborn children. 

Death Penalty:  I have a hard time with this.  I truly believe there are people who deserve to die for their crimes, but I'd hate to be the one handing out the sentence.

Prostitution:  The worlds oldest profession?  What a shame.  I guess you can't legislate morality, but all for making it illegal.

Alcohol: The legal age should be 21.  Chronic drinkers shouldn't have a drivers license. We need to remember that alcohol is a drug.

Marijuana:  A dangerous starter drug.  I don't care what others say.  After a while you want more.

Other drugs:  (Assuming we mean currently-illegal drugs)  This is a no-brainer. It needs to stay illegal.

Illegal Immigrants:  The operative word is illegal.  There is a right way to enter the country and a wrong way.  Everyone should follow the same rules. (this is Patrick's answer, but I can't go any better)

Smoking: I quit.  Everyone should quit.

Drunk Driving:  Tougher sentences.  Make the first conviction mandatory jail time.  Drunk drivers need to be OFF the road.

Cloning:  This is to scary to think about. I know it's happening under our noses, but I am opposed.

Racism:  It's a hurtful thing.  Maybe we should bring our children up colorblind, blind to other religions and cultures.  That will help.

Premarital Sex:  Listen, there's only ONE first time. That should happen on your wedding night with your beloved.

Religion:  Not to be confused with spirituality.  Zealots from any belief can cause serious problems in society.  If we all, no matter what religion we espouse, could try loving one another, religion would never be a problem.

The War in Iraq:  I'll probably get a lot of flak over this, but I believe we have done the right thing. I applaud the men and women who are selflessly serving our freedom there.  I wish there were no such thing as war, but I understand the necessity.

Bush:  Our president, right or wrong.  I appreciate his boldness.

Downloading Music:  I've never done that.  don't understand why anyone would steal.

Legal Drinking Age:  Definitely 21.  It's a privilege, not a right.

Porn:  Well, obviously I am opposed. Don't like it - think its stupid.  So there.

Suicide: It happens.  I do understand the depression that leads to the desire to die, but its a sad commentary on life when death looks better than the alternative. 

Blessings, all!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great answers.  I did this survey too and tried to keep it kinda light.  Some very serious topics.