Sunday, January 9, 2005

Saturday Six on Sunday

Patrick has this every Saturday.  I'd like to link back, but somewhere lost his link.  Hope someone will send it to me, thanks.

1. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #38:  If you could live in a foreign country(or city) for one year, which would you choose and why?

Of course, I've just come back from Mexico, but I'd love to go to the Philippines.  So much diversity there.  Did you know there are thousands of islands to explore?

2. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #39:  Did you have a security blanket, stuffed animal or toy that you were attached to as a child?  Do you still have it?

Yes, I certainly do - did, whatever.  It's my pillow - no one else thinks it's a pillow anymore, but I can't sleep without it.

3. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #40:  Favorite alcoholic beverage?

 It used to be Southern Comfort . . .many years ago

4. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #41:  What was your favorite cartoon as a child? 

Katzenjammer Kids

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #42:  Is there a chore you enjoy doing? 

Laundry.  Definitely.  Love clean clothes and how they smell.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #43:  A time machine will let you travel 10 years into either the past of future.  Which would you choose and why? 

Oh the future for sure!  I've seen my past and don't really want to go there again.  I'd rather try something new.


Anonymous said...

Awesome answers, but YOU ENJOY DOING LAUNDRY?? LOLOL..

Hugs, Trina

Anonymous said...

Can't imagine enjoying doing laundry, hon! LOL  Love your answers, Penny!  I do this every Saturday as well.  Gotta go do it.  Haven't done it yet!  Love, Val xox