Saturday, February 25, 2006

Weekend Assignment #100

Good Saturday morning!  I don't want to miss the 100th Weekend Assignment - after all, he's my son and I'm proud of him.

Weekend Assignment #100: Share 10 facts about yourself -- from the next five years. Imagine what you see happening over the next half decade and then tell us about it, in interesting fact form. You can be serious, or silly, or somewhere inbetween. But give it some real thought and then take a stab at your future facts. If you find 10 facts too much, just do five. Either way it'll be fun.

Here we go!

1.  In 2007, Rob actually started using the tools we have been buying.  He's made many improvements in our humble abode.

2.  In 2008, we have a windfall and find a nice big home for our 3 girls.  In California, yet!

3.  2008:  I get a screaming new laptop with more bells and whistles than I could ever imagine - it weighs just 5 lbs and has over 250 gb of storage space.

4.  In 2009:  I turn 60 years old and still look ravishingly lovely.  I've lost the added pounds, as has Rob and he's chasing me all over the place.  Thinner, I can run faster.  The girls are grossed out as usual.

5.  Back to 2007, all of our families come together for a huge reunion.  The personalities clash, but they like the party so much, they resolve to do it again in 5 years.

6.  2009:  We travel as a family to the Philippines to visit a ministry we've loved. 

7.  2010:  Rob has his 65th birthday.  We celebrate by giving him a trip on the space shuttle  . . . his biggest dream.

8.  Broke after paying for the space shuttle trip, I go back to work for a year.

9.  2011:  Our Lupe graduates from high school.  We are so proud.

10:  2011:  Rob and I both own shotguns - the girls are beautiful and we want to protect them as long as possible.

Extra Credit: So, who's president in 2011?

Condaleeza Rice!  First woman and first black to ascend to the oval office.

There you go, John.  Congratulations on your 100th Weekend Assignment . . . with many more to come.


Anonymous said...

I love your sense of humor. Shotguns? I NEED A PIC OF THAT!!!
LOVE you sweet lady, lisa

Anonymous said...

Hi Penny!

LOL Yes, you'll need those shotguns!  Your girls are cute! :)  


Anonymous said...

OH!!! I got interupted and I forgot to say anything about your new picture!  Hey, hey, hey  Way to go!  Love that smile!


Anonymous said...

great entry! you have some wonderful ideas Penny! Ilove you thanks!:):):)

Anonymous said...

dear Penny,
feel better!love you,

Anonymous said...

hope you are doing well; I know its been a bit since you updated your journal; hope you are hanging in there the best you can
