Thursday, September 21, 2006



I love J-Land.  I feel at home here.  I've been a member for just over 2 years.  I wanted a blog and my son John helped me get started, even gave me a plug in his journal.  I honestly thought that people commented because they cared for John.  That was the farthest thing from the truth.  J-Landers really care.  I met a few people that I am proud to call friends.

Last year, I got into the spirit and participated in joined in to the 2nd Anniversary.  It was really fun.  I couldn't figure out how to get into the chat room, but got reports from my friend that it was  enjoyable.

Then the Vivi's began to be talked about.  I figured that I didn't stand a chance, but wanted to participate.  My friend nominated me for something and I nominated her for something. We laughed at our silliness, but had fun doing that.

When the actual nominations came out -the one after the voting nominations, I was on the list!  And my friend was on the list.  What fun we had!  I'm not into tooting my own horn, but I proudly put the Nominee Graphic on my sidebar.


I believe this was the most exciting thing for me.  I had heard comments about cliques, but I didn't know who was in the "J-Land Clique".  I figured I would be ousted in the voting, but had a great time.  I got a lot of encouraging comments and new people came to check out my journal.

I understand that this year there are some very bitter people making comments about the Vivi's,  that part of the people came back in time to grab the glory.  It's true that we lost many of our J-Land friends to the ad situation.  I was sad to see them goand I prayed that they would come "home" again.  The most recent "returnee" wrote some very apologetic stuff in her journal.  She's not interested in glory or pats on the back.   I believe she missed the community.

The night of the Vivi Awards Ball, there were so many people present in the chat room that they had to make a secondroom.  It was a blast! I met people I never knew existed.  There were way more than the nominees there.  Supporters and cheerleaders were there as well.  Our host used symbols to pour imaginary drinks and we all asked for more. The chat was lively and fun. We waited to hear the winners in each category.  It was more fun than I've ever had on my computer.  I truly felt part of the community.  I didn't think I had a chance to win, but . . .

                      I won!  Little me, who had been journaling for just about a year!  I just was totally amazed.  I wasn't part of what other people called :"the group" and I still won an award.  Other journalers voted for me.

And that's what will happen this year if people will just stop berating peer recognition. awards.  Come on, friends.  Participate in any way you can.  Vote so you can be sure that a journaler's peers are truly recognizing them Attend the ball - find a picture of you favorite gown and show it in your journal.  Have fun and meet more people in the chat room.  Don't let your grudges stop you from having fun.  Just do it and enjoy.

One more thing:on November 18th last year, I woke up at3 in the morning to the sounds of helicopters.  There was a huge fire on the hill by our house.  Eventually I turned my puter on and started to read journals.  Everyone was so angry!  I didn't even notice the ads. WhileI wasn't too happy about them, it wasn't worth the trouble to leave.  A bunch of people bailed to make a statement.  Nothing changed.  I missed those guys..  But you know what haooened?  Our community got closer.  we became a tapestry woven together by our experiences and our love to write. Slowly, afew journalers came back.  I'm sure they came back because they missed the community we have here in J-Land.  Our job now is to welcome them back in the fold.

So here's my suggestion:  forget the big bail-out; forget the cliques (if there be any); have fun here!  Vote for the Vivis and go to the journals chat room for a good time on the announcements.  Help your community shine.


By the way, I'm wearing a red dress to the ball.




Anonymous said...

Beautifuly and wonderfully stated, my friend.


Anonymous said...

You are the best!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats sis!  I'm not surprised a bit lol!  xoxo CATHY

Anonymous said...

Well said!!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree!  I love meeting new journalers, and I love it when someone I read gets a special pat on the back.

Anonymous said...

You know what is funny...I just figured out that our John was your son this past month or so!!! lol lol Man...I guess I am slow!

I have always loved your journal...and do not know much about the VIVI awards...What does VIVI stand for anyway????lol (see what I mean??? S-L-O-W :> lol)

Anonymous said...

beautiful inspirational entry Penny!
great job!

Anonymous said...

Amen Penny!