Friday, October 28, 2005

It's for the Birds


So you all know we have Dufus, right?  He's the terribly spoiled Sun Conure I inherited from our friend Hank when we moved into this house.  He was mine, anyway, as far as he was concerned.  He wanted to be with me every moment of the day.  He grooms me, gets up with me in the night and even tries to feed me.  I am his special person.  I love him with all my heart.  He got a little jealous when Sammy the Greyhound moved in, but he kept his place as King of the roost and Sammy steers clear of him.  On occasion, he will let Sammy come close to me to be petted.  Good birdie!

A few weeks ago, Hank found a little ring-necked dove at his shop.  It had a band on its leg and was very tame.  Hank took it home, put it in a cage and proceeded to look for its owner.  No one surfaced.  He asked a friend who has doves if he wanted it.  He thought it was a nice bird, but said it was too noisy.  This from the man who now has a Nanday Conure (can we say screech, brutha?)!  So . . . Scooter now lives with us.  His cage is on the hearth and he coos so beautifully!  I love to hear him cooo and the make a noise that sounds like "hoo-waa" when he's done cooing. Rather than noisy, I find his noises peaceful and relaxing.  Cool birdie.

It turns out that Scooter has other birdie friends.  The little sparrows or chickadees that come to steal the dog food have now begun to come inside to visit Scooter.  They eat bits of seed that he has scattered near his cage and seem to be having conversations with him while doing it.  Yesterday when we came home from our mega-shopping trip, there were two little birdies still in the house . . .we'll just call them Mortimer and George.  Cute little things, they come in and out of our house like they own the place.  Rob decided we should buy a huge bag of seed so they would have food outside too. 

NOW . . .Pam, whose husband works at Hank's shop, has a friend that has a white dove she can't keep.  Would we take it?  It already has a cage .  . . (can we say birdbrain?) I said yes.  Rob said yes.  Andrea grinned.  My hopes of ever getting a cat are totally dashed.

I'm happy.

Unfortunately, I slept wrong last night and can't move my head to the side.  There is pain in my shoulder and I can't lift my left arm up.  Thank God I have the day off.  I never would have made it at work today.  The girls are disappointed because I promised to cut their bangs and take them thrift shopping for skirts.  The hair can wait.  Rob is dropping them off with cash in hand and money to take the bus back home.  I'm sorry girls.  They will probably have a great time.

Well, before I take meds to stop the pain, let me remind you all to go vote for the VIVI's.  There's so much talent out there - they all deserve an award! 

Blessings to you all,    Penny


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon and can have a great weekend!  <<HUGS>>
~Miss O

Anonymous said...

Oh Penny, I am soooooooo sorry to hear about your neck.  


Anonymous said...

I did that to my neck a while back, it clears up in a day or two. Painful while it's there though. Hope it goes soon. My friend used to take in homeless birds, ended up with almost a hundred!! Parrots, cockatiels, Conures and all sorts. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I have had that happen with my neck, it is NOT fun.  I hope you feel better soon.  I have three cats, a dog, and a male Beta fish, lol.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you have a lot of birds! Take a pic and let us see sometime. We had parakeets a time or two but they kept flying out the open front door and never coming back!! Love, lisa

Anonymous said...

hey just curious hows them birds get into ur house to meet with ur birds dont u have windows and screens lol