Wednesday, February 2, 2005

The God Box

I've been having a rough couple of days.  Not only am I going through all kinds of medical tests and have to go see a surgeon tomorrow, but I am in physical pain.  I am even having difficulty walking from this house to our new house 2 doors away.  I'm apprehensive about the next 2 appointments and that's probably adding to my pain.  I've also been grouchy.  My beloved husband and daughter can attest to that, poor dears.

In the middle of this, I have the joy of the Lord.  I know He's taking care of it all and that whatever the answers will be, His hand is there.  It's easy to say that now, but I used to have a major trust issue with God.

My dear friend, Pat, always had a smile on her face.  Her comment when I complained that my life was horrible was this:  "It's okay, honey, God'll take care of it!"  That was hard, or nearly impossible for me to believe.  I had just left my 3rd marriage, lost the house, had two kids to raise and no place to live and of course, no money.  I had to do something, but what?  My prayers felt like they were falling on deaf ears.  I knew in my heart that God heard all my prayers, but I felt terribly alone.

I was cleaning houses and selling Tupperware to earn the money to get a place.  It seemed like my problems always followed me wherever I went.  I had heard someone once talk about writing down their problems and putting them in a "God box".  What the heck, I thought.  I'd give it a try.

I found an empty oatmeal box - the cylindrical one - and put sticky shelf paper all around it, sticking the top on so I couldn't get back in to check out what I wrote.  I cut a hole in the top and bought a small tablet to carry with me.  The box went everywhere I went.  Whenever I thought about something upsetting, I would write it down:  "Dear God, Rene owes me money."  or "Dear God, I am afraid I'll never find a place to live" or "Dear God, the kids are driving me crazy." 

The act of folding the paper up and shoving it into the box was a physical prayer for me.I always told God it was His now to handle.  Often, I wrote the same petty thing for days on end.  I filled up the box and had to make another. When I went to clean a house, I would leave the box outside the door, laying all my problems asideso I could be a good worker.  Many times, people would notice the box and after several visits, get up the nerve to ask what it was.  I would reply that those were my problems.  Sometimes we'd talk about the physical act of leaving my problems outside when I would enter a place.  For me, that's what it took back then.  My problems seemed overwhelming.  Once in the box, they were an entity that God had to care for. 

After I got settled in a little house of my own with the kids, I was no longer carrying the box.  I don't even remember when I stopped.  Somehow that stuff wasn't so important anymore.  As I was emptying out all the boxes of stuff from our move, I came across one of the boxes.  Dying from curiosity, I ripped the top off the box and sat in the shed reading paper after paper of my cares and worries.  ALL of them had been resolved!  God took my worries, whatever size and made ash of them.  I took the box, the papers and all and burned it in the barbecue. 

So as I worry an fret about what's going on here, I know one thing for certain:  God is in control, 

I'm thinking about you guys out there in J-Land and am grateful for your comments and prayers.  I'm trying to get to journals, but just can't seem to make time right now.  If I have to have surgery, I have a feeling that I will have plenty of time on the 'puter while I recover. 

Blessings to all, Penny


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I think I am going to have to try this one. We are experiencing so many problems and another big shock and upset today that my always strong faith in God is badly wavering.  I feel that prayers are not heard or answered.  I needed to read this, maybe we can pick ourselves out of all this mess.  It is certainly worth a try.  Thank you once again.

Anonymous said...

Tried to send you an email but for some reason it wouldn't get sent. So here I am, trying to give you a long distance hug. GOD will see you through all of it. I know he will. By world standards I should have been dead a long time ago. But HE had other plans. Keeping you in prayer. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the idea of a "God box".  I guess in a way it's the same thing as a prayer journal, where you list things you are praying for and then make a note when the prayers are answered.  Anyhow, great idea.

Anonymous said...

I think it`s a wonderful idea. I am not really religious myself but I like the idea of what you are doing, it must be so helpful to you.  Are you taking any medication for the pain, Penny ?     Sandra x

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you. You are right , apprehension does seem to make pain worse.
Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

hope everything goes well for you my prayers are with you hun

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful testament on how God takes care of us!  I visualize putting my problems at God's feet.  I think I will try the God Box.  It is more tangible.  Know you are in my daily prayers, Penny! xox

Anonymous said...

    Penny .... This was a lovely entry.  I'm so glad you found something that worked for you.  My church has a little chapel outside, and, when the going gets rough, I seem to find myself there.  I go and hand over all my "stuff", and leave feeling a little lighter. By the way, good luck with your Dr. appointments.  I'll take YOUR "stuff" to the chapel on my next visit, okay ?  Take care, Tina  =)  

Anonymous said...

OMgosh- I love this entry!!  I can so relate!  I should try that God Box thing... awesome trust building idea!!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this entry.