Saturday, October 23, 2004

Sunny Day

Thankfully, the day is sunny and warm.  It's one of those days when it's just right to be chilled out and do nothing.  That's what I plan on doing.  From my room, which is closest to the street, I hear the traffic making a gentle shooshing noise as it goes by.  Even the cars don't seem to be in a hurry today.  The sky is bright light blue and there's just enough wind to hear the wind chimes tinkling in the distance.

A while ago, my reverie was disturbed by the sound of an electric chain saw.  Hank was out front trimming the ficus tree.  I guess he couldn't stand a clean front yard.  Rob and I spent hours cleaning up all the junk he had out ther just before the rain hit.  All that was left to do was to spread a little grass seed and make the best of it.  Now we are back to square one.  But not today.  Maybe not until Monday.

Rob is doing his favorite weekend thing right now - watching college football in the other room.  This is purportedly the time when I could ask for and get anything I want.  I'm just not that sneaky. I used to be. Pulled it on my mom when she was sleeping, my first husband after a few beers . . . well, you get the picture.  I've turned over a new leaf. 

Andrea is also in slow mode today.  She's been in her room for the longest time playing with Barbies.  It's so cool that she has a room of her own and can play there when she wants. At the ministry, she shared her room with 11 other girls and none of them was allowed to play there.  Just change clothes and sleep.  A room of her own is the thing Andrea wanted most when she came to the U.S.  She came about 2 weeks ahead of me and moved into the room her daddy had been sleeping in.  He moved to the couch until I got here with a bed.  The first time he went back into that room to get his clothes, she cried out indignantly, "Da-ad!"  He told her he needed clean underwear so he could bathe.  About an hour later, she came out of her room with all his clothes in her arms and asked, "Where do you want these?"  There was no dought she had no intention of sharing any part of that room!

Hank has started up on the second ficus.  For some reason, even that noise isn't bothering me all that much.  It's a great day for just doin' nuthin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this entry, I needed a break for the drab day nature has painted for us today. It's washday and a steady rain filters out of a slate grey sky. Meanwhile a steady wind rips the remaining leaves from unsuspecting trees and sends these soggy leafy kites floating earthwards. Cars hiss upon sodden pavement and the occasional train whistle mournfully echoes along the riverbanks like some forlorn beast calling to its mate.

Isn't it a joy to at last have possession of one's own space? For a few years all three of our children shared one bedroom, my poor son sleeping in a trundle bed under the bunk beds of his two older sisters. When they each gained their own rooms they quickly settled into them and took possession. Even so they often took turns playing in each other’s room, as if not willing to completely let go of the comradery established from sharing a common room.

Sounds like your family is having a lovely afternoon, which is what weekends were made for right? Excellent entry. Warmest regards.