Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Just thinkin'

Went to the doctor yesterday for x-rays and a new cast.  This time I let Andrea choose the color.  She chose pink, but they didn't have enough, so I'm purple now.  Actually it's kind of pretty.  Nicer than those old heavy plaster things they used to have. 

I had a chance to ask the doc why the pain didn't stop when the cast went on.  He smiled.  He's young enough to be my son and he grinned "that" grin.  He was probably thinking, "Silly old woman - still believes in old wives' tales."  Well, personally, I'd like to find a few of those old wives and strangle them.  It still hurts, darn it! 

We had a lot of waiting to do while there.  Orthopedists are busy people.  Andrea and I were reading the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia.  She's actually intersted!  Praise God!  She loses interest in everything quickly and our advisor said she might read better if read to.  I'm trying it.  I tried a couple very trendy children's books, but she just got up and walked away.  This book is catching her.  I don't know what the difference is, but I'm grateful.  It's very hard homeschooling a kid who should be at a higher level and having to go back to basics.  Part of it is the language barrier, but also the fact the the schools in Mexico just reek.  Only very naturally smart kids will do well there, because the teachers don't teach - they assign.  And they don't care who does your homework as long as its turned in.  Since our kids studied in groups at the ministry, Andrea always managed to get someone else to do hers.  Maybe she used leverage as the directors' daughter, I don't know, but what ever, she's really struggling now.

This morning we are doing math again.  She's getting ready to take a test.  She thinks she can sweet-talk me into letting her slide and I feel like an ogre, but that's something I will have to deal with.  Word math is the worst.  I always hated that, too.  At least I understood all the words.  The workbook rushes the kid through and we have to do a lot of board work for her to get a good understanding.  I know now why I was never a teacher.  I'm figuring it out, though

When the test is over, we are going to read again.  Good mother-daughter time as well.  I like that.

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