Monday, September 27, 2004

Trees and grass

I keep looking at trees and grass.  Oh, how I love the color green!  I liked it very much when I moved to Mexico, but after 15 years in the desert, I love it even more.

This is not to say that desert colors aren't beautiful.  I especially like those southwestern colors.  Alas, Mexico, at least in Baja, doesn't have even those.  As we would drive down the coast toward our home, we'd look out on an ocean reminiscent of California 50 years age.  It was incredible.  Driving south, you would see water and cliffs and a lovely God-shaped landscape on your right.  On the left, you would see poverty, cactus and dirt roads.  Quite a contrast.

Where we lived was an agricultural valley with a huge water table beneath.  Planted, it was an astoundingly great sight.  Flowers, vegetables, they managed to get at least 3 crops a year.  But the yards were bare.  A tree now and then, but few and far between and grass seemed to be only for the rich.  I'd make fun when I first got there when people would complain that there were no trees or grass.  Then it hit. Each visit to the U.S. would find me staring at trees and checking out lawns.  I really missed them.

It's funny how we take for granted all that we have around us.  We complain about having to trim the trees and cut the grass.  Not me.  Not going to complain again.  I used to spend hours every day up in a tree.  We had a walnut in our back yard that was so inviting.  Mom said that our dog pulled me out of the peach tree.  I don't remember, but I do remember relaxing in the crook of the tree with a good book.  Even when we went to the park, I had favorite trees to climb. 

Last week, while we were in the midst of a ranch with tons of trees, I wished for a moment to be young enough to climb again.  I also took a ton of pictures of the trees.  Silly, I know.  I can go outside anytime I want and see them firsthand.  I guess missing them is something you don't forget.


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