Saturday, May 14, 2005

Say a Little Prayer

While I drive to work, I often pray or talk to God.  It's a good time to do it.  No real interruptions if traffic is quiet.  And I can talk out loud or sing or do whatever.  I try to do it every day.

While Saturday is not my normal work day, I am at work today because the weekend guy is on a fishing trip.  I hope he brings fish to share.  I didn't get a day off this week because the training schedule from headquarters interfered with my schedule and guess who won.

So as I was driving to work today, I began to pray for my children and grandchildren and other family and friends.  I was just talking to God - thanking Him for waiting for me while I was out there in my foolishness and asking Him to wait for those I love as well.  Then I just started to cry as I thought about it all.  I wondered if my mom cried over us as she prayed.  She probably did.  At least over me. 

Then I remembered what I had been told:  the pure fragrance of my mother's prayers didn't stop pleasing the Father when she died.  He knows no time.  It's all the same to him and it's said that our prayers and praises are a sweet fragrance unto His nostrils.  That made me cry even more.  It wasn't a sad cry at all.  It was joy.  I know that what I pray today will be ever-present with the Lord.  I never have to give up hope that my prayers will be answered.  He's always listening to them.  How about that?  My voice is as familiar to him as it could be.  He's hearing every prayer I ever prayed. And He's going to answer. 

That's wonderful!  God will answer every prayer.  I know . . . he answered my mom's prayers for me.  And He's answered countless of my prayers as well. 

Praises Be!


Anonymous said...

Penny, I really needed to read this today.  God bless you, hon! xox

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, but it's just so hard when it seems the prayer is being ignored, this is my struggle.
~ Julie~

Anonymous said...

Bless you Penny, :-)  Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful entry. God bless you xxx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful entry Penny. -Krissy

Anonymous said...

Ohhh so true! And that is so comforting to hear and know.  Thank the Lord for the grace. . oh sweet AMAZING grace that HE, our awesome Father has given to us and gives to us over and over again.  HE LOVES US sooooooooooooooo much. . isn't that awe-some!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you wrote about this today!  I read Tommy Tenney's book "God Chasers" and he talks about this very thing...that the prayers of every single person is ever before him and are unceasing.  That is such a comfort to me and I needed to be reminded of that.

Thanks Penny and be blessed hon...Trina

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Awesome!  This is beautiful.  Thank you for sharing.
~Miss O

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this entry.  I really needed to be reminded that my prayers are not in vain. Hugs,