Wednesday, March 2, 2005


Oh, the frustration of it all!  Andrea is learning how to write a simple sentence in English.  The instructions are easy:  start the sentence with a capital letter, end with a period or question mark.  Poor Andrea!  She wrote the sentences.  Again and again.  One of the sentences was a question starting with the word "how"  She didn't capitalize it.  Six times she was sent back to capitalize it with a break to write the alphabet in both types of letters.  This is how she solved the problem:


I'm sorry, I had to hide to keep from cracking up!  A bigger "h" is a capital letter!  Oh my goodness!  She was in tears and Rob and I were hiding . . .

I know she thinks we are awful, but Mexico never taught her punctuation and now we have to deal with it.  Pray for us, please - she's got a lot of sentences to write.


Anonymous said...

LMAO now THAT is one smart girl!

Anonymous said...

Poor thing... English can be such a confusing thing... I like her solution though!

Anonymous said...

OH this sounds just like my darling Aaron!!  Love you guys!  It's been a heck of a week so I'm just blowing thru... sorry I can't think of anything to say.  My head is a blur... if ya get a chance to check my last entry out you will get the drift.  Just know I am going thru the letter thing too and know all to well the frustration of it all!!