Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday Morning


Good Sunday morning, my friends.  The girls got home at around 10 pm last night.  They haven't yet given full details about their camping experience, but ran quickly to shower, as they did not shower the whole time.  This was a time for learning more about the importance of God in their lives and to trust Him in all things.  The kids at camp learned to trust each other as well.  They did both ask to go back again next year.

We've just had morning prayer and the girls told us that the shared experiences will be talked about in front of the church and then they can share more with us.  During our prayer time, we sing, then each of us prays and we jointly pray the Lord's prayer and the 23rd Psalm.  We lift up our friends in need as well.  Many of you are on that list.  I love you all so much..

My blessing today is that this is the first of my 4 days off.  The girls start school on Tuesday, so Rob and I will have some "alone time" which we desperately need.  He's such a wonderful husband and blesses my life in so many ways that I can't count them.  You know that Elizabeth Barrett Browning poem?

     "How do I love the?  -  Let me count the ways,  I love thee to the width and breadth and depth my soul can reach . . . ."

A partial quote and done from childhood memory so if there's a mistake, forgive me, please.  This is how I love my man.  He is my soul-mate.  He has put up with so much from me.  When I am ill, he steps in and cares for me and the kids and the house as well.  I'm praying that soon I will be able to step up for him.

Today we gather with the saints and worship and praise Jesus.  we learn more about God's word.  I look forward to the fellowship as well. I'm praying that you all have a blessed day.

And remember . . . .



Anonymous said...

Wonderful entry, hang onto that man!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

great entry...


Anonymous said...

how beautiful

Anonymous said...

how beautiful