These are my new glasses and my new look. I've worn round glasses for years. Probably since I was a teen. In my 20's, I wore them because I idolized Janis Joplin . . . and because some said I looked very much like her. I just never changed.
Do you think 59 is too old to change? I hope not. I'm liking the new glasses and my weight loss.
Today the weather here in sunny SoCal was quite warm. It was a nice change from the chill we'd had the past few days. You kind of have to understand California natives ~ especially those of us from the south. To us, as the temperature starts to drop below 60, we start complaining. When the temps drop into the 30's, we not only complain, but double up on blankets and clothing. Here's the deal: We will be moving up north sometime soon. Up there, they have snow! You know . . . that white stuff that covers the ground and keeps pets and people inside by the fire. It's going to be a total shock for my body. I'm not sure how long it will take me to adjust to the change. Also, I understand that in the summer there, the temps are extremely high - like over 110 sometimes. Oh! Mercy me.
I really miss writing here in my journal. It's always been so important to me. The last few months, so much has been happening here that I find it hard to get things done. My time on the 'puter is seriously limited. The most serious issue in our lives is coming down to the wire . . . so though we won't have the same kind of "normal" as we did before, we will settle into the new normal. Whew!
I appreciate the prayers you have been saying for us. Keep it up. It may be slow but your prayers are definitely working. I pray for you guys all the time. Both in our early prayers and throughout the day as your names pop into my head. You all mean so much to me. If you have a request, just e-mail me and I will start praying right away.
May the Lord richly bless each and every one of you,
Thank you Donna!